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Canadian 1964 Dodge 440

September 2005 Mopar of the Month

Kevin writes:
I've completed
the restoration
of my 1964 Dodge.
1964 Dodge 440, driver's side

I’m very pleased to have my Dodge selected for September 2005’s Mopar of the Month as it is four years since I had the Mopar come into my life.
The car and the 1962 to 1965 Mopar Mail List Clubhouse have taught me many things and I am very grateful.

1964 Dodge 440, driver's side rear 1964 Dodge 440, rear passenger side
1964 Dodge 440, passenger's side interior 1964 Dodge 440, driver's side rear seat interior

When the engine was started on July 29, 2005 for the first time, I was very happy.
We ran the engine at 2000 rpm for 30 minutes to break in the cam and when it was slowed to an idle, it actually did.
This is quite different from a year ago when the 313 was overhauled then also.
[Editor’s note, see the Works in Progress Web Page link, below.]

Over the next two weeks I drove the car for about 200 miles around town and to a couple of local cruise nights to
meet the other owners of classic cars. It was then that may family thought I was bordering on insane
when I told them that my daughter Tina and I were going to drive to Moparfest 2005 and enter the car.
Moparfest is in NewHamburg Ontario, about 850 miles away.

1964 Dodge 440, 313 Poly engine front view 1964 Dodge 440, 313 Poly engine, side view

We added some pleasure to the trip by visiting Mopar Mail List Clubhouse Member’s Doug and Beth Baker
and their family in Thedford Ontario. That added another 3 hours to the trip but it was worth every minute.

Tina and I left Thunder Bay at 0400 and arrived at Doug’s house at 0030.
Total travelling time 20.5 hours and 980 miles. That is quite a test for a restored car.

For the first time ever, I travelled with spare parts. I was fairly confident of my engine work and such but there is always doubt.
Anyway, I never opened the parts box and the car travelled beautifully.
I had a 1963 Plymouth Fury back in the early 1980’s and I forgot how effortlessly these Mopars drive.
The trip was amazing and the looks that the car brought was very satisfying.

1964 Dodge 440, rear trunk

1964 Dodge 440, rear trunk
My copilot Tina and I at Moparfest 2005.
At Moparfest, most people asked me
if I actually drove the car all the way
from Thunder Bay.
I very proudly answered “yes”.

When we returned home, we had driven
2300 miles in less than a week.

Mopars were meant to be driven.

See Kevin’s BEFORE restoration Works in Progress Web Page.

Thanks Kevin!

Great job! Have fun driving your Dodge.   smile!

Gary H.

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