based on early '60's Mopar Logo

1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connectors

One Man's Story

Hammer writes:

How I made and installed my frame connectors.

Of course, I also installed a four link, but I've also made them for an OE car.

1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connectors - step one frame ties 1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connectors - ml-finished frame ties

1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connectors - welded frame ties 1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connectors - side view frame connector

1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connectors - top rs frameconnector 1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connectors - rear frame connector


1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connectors blueprint


1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connectors It only took a year but I finally found a volunteer to install my frame connectors (for a stock floor) in his car.

They attach at the front of the rear frame rail and clamp the floor and rail more securely together. The thin slot is so you can pivot the 'jaws' open to make the installation easier, then weld the seam closed when installed.
1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connectors

Update September 2010

I made some revisions.

1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connectors slot 1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connector
1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connector view from inside floor pan 1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connector underneath view 1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connector both visible from underneath

Contact Hammer: 1962 - 1965 Mopar Frame Connector contact information


Gary H.

November 10, 2003; revised November 10, 2004; September 19, 2010

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Be Careful! Danger! You risk severe injury or death doing mechanical repairs on your 1962 to 1965 Mopar. Don't take rash chances and don't shy away from careful use of jack stands, spring compressors, eye protection and other safety devices. Get a qualified professional technician to do the work if you are at all unclear about the repair procedures, or if you do not have adequate tools or safety equipment.

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